
The regulatory reports to
BaFin and the Bundesbank make you sweat?

The mandatory reports to BaFin and the Bundesbank must be submitted by Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFM/KVG) to the supervisory authorities regularly, on time and with the correct content, otherwise there is a risk of hefty fines.

With our reporting service, we take over the reporting of your AIF and KVG for you and ensure that your regulatory reporting obligations are fulfilled efficiently so that you can concentrate on the essentials.


The Regulatory Reporting

Reporting to the Bundesbank for the statistics on investment assets and AIFMD reporting to BaFin are mandatory for KVGs and are subject to strict regulatory requirements. This regulation is intended to increase the transparency of fund investments and protect investors. The reports to BaFin must be submitted once, twice or four times a year, depending on the assets under management (AuM), while the reports to the Bundesbank must be submitted monthly. They must not only be correct in terms of content and form, but also on time, otherwise there is a risk of severe fines.

In addition to the content-related effort, a technically complex setup is required, as the reports to be provided in machine-readable .xml format require a wealth of individual details on the asset classes of the AIF, the portfolio data and the risk assessments. This poses certain challenges for KVGs – both for small and large portfolios – as not only specialist knowledge but also technical expertise is required to operate the corresponding interfaces. In particular, if the intention is to use the portfolio data efficiently and consistently across all reports and funds, these reports should be integrated into the data streams and the basic database should be set up accordingly.

Our reporting service for you: simple and efficient.

If you would also like to minimize the technical effort involved in setup and ongoing operations and focus on your core activities in asset and portfolio management, then use our fund reporting service to BaFin and the Bundesbank:

We will handle the reporting for you and relieve you of the effort of fulfilling your reporting obligations: You save the technical setup, the ongoing maintenance of the access points and, of course, the effort of data preparation.
In addition to technical aspects, we also support you with specific issues relating to reporting and the necessary data basis.
We monitor the timelines and ensure plausible and technically valid data delivery.
You don't need any specialist knowledge, just provide us with basic data about your portfolio in Excel format. We convert this according to the recipient's specifications and prepare it as an .xml file.

We provide the following services for you

AIFMD Reporting BaFin (ESMA)AIFMD reporting in accordance with section 35 KAGB in conjunction with Art. 110 Lvl. II Regulation serves the data requirements of BaFin and is intended to ensure that effective ex post supervision is carried out. Graduated reporting obligations regulate the requirements and scope of the reporting obligation depending on the AIF structure and AuM volume. Depending on the volume, data from investor management, accounting, treasury and risk management must be consolidated and transferred for KVGs and AIFs.
Statistik über Investmentvermögen (Bundesbank)The monthly statistics on investment assets pursuant to Section 18 BBankG consist of several forms and, in addition to the ongoing monthly report for investment assets, include a form on adjustments to positions (report on general changes in value) and a comprehensive master data section.

Your benefits at a glance

Consistency across all outputsWir nutzen für sämtliche Leistungen eine selbstprogrammierte und hoch spezialisierte Software. Mit einer darin liegende einheitlichen Datengrundlage können wir eine konsistente Qualität in allen Outputs bzw. den Berechnungen gewährleisten.
Specialist and technical know-how includedGreifen Sie auf ein Team erfahrener Spezialisten und Spezialistinnen zurück und sichern Sie sich die Vorteile der Expertise aus 10 Jahren Funds-Reporting.
Broad range of services across all asset types and national bordersWir kennen nicht nur die Empfänger Ihrer Outputs aus dem Effeff, sondern fühlen uns in den Assetklassen Private Equity, Wertpapieren und Immobilien zuhause – in Deutschland wie in Luxemburg.
Ihr Aufwand auf ein Minimum reduziertWe attach great importance to the term 'SERVICE' and only require a minimum of basic data to initiate the process and carry out the services.

We also offer other reporting services, such as reports to WM-Datenservice (EDDY interface), reports in accordance with VAG and Solvency II (including SCR and market prices) or to the savings bank interface. Much of the data required for this is already available from the regulatory reporting system. This data can therefore be easily processed for further outputs.



+49 (0) 611 23609 103

Or you write to us and we will contact you as soon as possible to arrange an appointment: